
Deciding on My Company’s Name

I generated this image using Midjourney, a generative AI art tool.
Choosing the right name for my business was a challenging and time-consuming process. In this article, I'll share my experience of selecting a name for my company and the reasons behind my decision. I brainstormed ideas, sought feedback, and ultimately chose a name that reflected my values and mission. It was important to me to select a general and non-specific name to allow for future growth and expansion, while also standing out from the crowd. Additionally, securing the best domain name was a crucial step towards establishing a strong online presence.

The Science of Happy Earthworms

In the spring, I wrote an article about my experiences building soil on a bare patch of ground in the garden. Through those experiences, I began shaping my soil-building strategy around earthworms. At the end of the article, I promised another article taking a look at the science of earthworms. Here is that article, albeit a few months later than planned...better late than never!